Commercial Video Production, Wedding and Engagement, Portraiture, Real Estate Photo/Video, Fine Art photography and Events based in San Diego, CA.



My Background in Photography

Around the age of ten or eleven years old (appr 1982) I was given as a present a gift catalog out of which I was allowed to choose any one item. Out of hundreds of options encompassing sports, toys, games, science, puzzles, and much more, I chose a small plastic wind-up plain film camera. It was an easy decision for me. Even then I understood that although my memories that I loved so much would eventually fade, that camera would be a way to capture and preserve special moments in time making future reflection and beautiful memories more possible. I was also fascinated by the technology that would allow me to produce creative works by capturing visual light. That was just one of several points in my life that marked advancements in my love for photography. Over the years I went on to capture images of family, travel and events as well as creative projects with friends. In college I attended courses in both art history and water-coloring and grew to appreciate even more that place where our tangible reality and our less tangible imaginations intersect to create images that bring others joy and provoke imagination.

In 1997 I began practicing as a Doctor of Chiropractic and as my practice grew I began to document patient testimonials allowing me to capture and share their stories with others who had not yet experienced my care. Through that process, I discovered that testimonials that included a portrait or photo of the patient along with their written testimony were much more interesting and meaningful to those reading them than a collection of only written testimonials without portraits. Visual images taken of posture that patients could actually step back and take a look at themselves and X-rays also became educational tools that communicated concepts related to the state of their health far better and more clearly than I ever could have explained verbally or by written report, thus the phrase "a picture is worth thousand words". This process evolved into me capturing images of my practice rooms, decor and layout for posting to social media etc. and eventually video interviews with specialists, successful entrepreneurs and colleagues from across the United States and abroad for an educational video blog series. Whether as a performer in a musical group, a practitioner in a wellness center or public speaker, I have always been more than willing to step forward and volunteer to create historical and promotional visual materials.

Few things in life mean more to me than enjoying (for my self as well as witnessing in others) the process of bringing our innermost ideas and imaginings to life in tangible appreciable form. Thus far I have found photography and videography to be excellent ways to bring that process to life and contribute to the world around us works of immeasurable value.

Today my intentions with this project are to capture still images, audio and video content through a variety of projects in order to document and bring to life content for social media as well as private and commercial implementation and fulfillment. Please reach out and contact us today to share with us your related thoughts, questions and ideas for creative expression through photographic and videographic production.